Bolian Filtration Solutions Co., Ltd.

Improvement of Folding in Vacuum Belt Filter Cloth

Folding in vacuum belt filter cloth is a common and challenging issue in industrial production. It not only affects the filtration efficiency but also shortens the service life of the filter cloth. To effectively address this issue,  it is crucial to identify its underlying causes and address them accordingly.

Causes of  Folding in Vacuum Belt Filter Cloth:
1. Filter Cloth Quality: The quality of the filter cloth is one of the the important factors leads to folding.  Material, thickness, and mechanical strength all play a significant role.

2.Precision of Equipment Installation and Maintenance: The precision of installation and maintenance of the equipment is another important factor that influences folding.  
3. The handling skills exhibited by operators, along with the operating environment surrounding the equipment, can also impact the occurrence of folds in the filter cloth.

Measures to Improve folding Issues in Filter Cloth:
To address folding issues, several measures can be taken:  
1. It is essential to choose filter cloths that are characterized by reliable quality and excellent performance; this serves as a vital prerequisite for effective operation.
2.Ensure Accurate Equipment Installation: During the installation of the vacuum belt filter, all components must be installed with precision and maintained in a parallel and symmetrical position. Key components, such as rollers, guide rollers, and support rollers, must be installed and adjusted according to design specifications. The tension of the filter cloth should also be adjusted properly to ensure it remains appropriately tension during operation.

3. Monitor and Adjust During Running: During running, it is crucial to monitor the running state of the filter cloth to detect and address folding issues promptly. If minor misalignment occurs, it can be corrected using the deviation correction device. This may involve adjusting the position and angle of guide rollers, correcting the head roller, and modifying the angle between the correction roller and support roller, and adjusting the angle between the correction roller and support roller. If the filter cloth deviates severely and cannot be adjusted by the deflection adjusting device the machine should be stopped for inspection and manual adjustment of the filter cloth.

Process and System Optimization:  
In addition to the above measures, optimizing the filtration process and the washing system can also help prevent folding issues in filter cloth. By improving the operational process and ensuring thorough cleaning, the risk of folding can be significantly reduced.

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