Bolian Filtration Solutions Co., Ltd.
High-tech Filter Fabric Product

High-tech Product

High-tech Product Types


Lithium (Li) a type of metal with the smallest density and has a large reserve in nature. Lithium exists in the earth’s crust in the form of spodumene, lepidolite and amblygonite which are mainly located in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, China and in the USA.

Modified Materials

Liquid-solid separation through filtration processes is one of the key operations in the mining, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and environmental protection industries. The quality of liquid-solid se...

Graphene Filter Cloth

The research and application development of graphene are continuously heating up. Materials related to graphite and graphene are widely used in battery electrode materials, semiconductor devices, transparent displays, sensors, capacitors, transistors, and more.
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No.85 Dongyi Street, High-Tech Development Zone, Tieling, 112611, Liaoning Province, China
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